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Get Started


  • Node.js version 18 or higher.
  • Terminal for accessing eodash via its command line interface (CLI).
  • VSCode is recommended, along with the official Vue extension.

Eodash can be used on its own, or be installed into an existing project. In both cases, you can install it with:

npm install @eodash/eodash

Create your eodash instance

  1. Create your repository from eodash's instance template. Check Github's guide on how to Create a repository from a template
  2. Install dependecies:
npm install
  1. Start the development server.
npm run dev # or npx eodash dev
  1. Edit the entry point src/main.js.
import { createEodash } from "@eodash/eodash"

export default createEodash({
  1. Build eodash as a Single Page Application
npm run build # or npx eodash build
  1. You can also build eodash as a Web Component library
npm run build -- --lib # or npx eodash build --lib

Installing eodash Web Component in your project

  1. Install @eodash/eodash in your project
npm install @eodash/eodash
  1. import @eodash/eodash/webcomponent and @eodash/eodash/webcomponent.css and use eo-dash tag.
<!-- index.html -->
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />

    <script type="module" src="index.js"></script>

// index.js
import "@eodash/eodash/webcomponent"
import "@eodash/eodash/webcomponent.css"
  1. Create your runtime configuration.
// public/config.js
const store = window.eodashStore;

export default {
  id: "my runtime config",
  stacEndpoint: "",
  brand: {
    noLayout: false,
    name: "My Dashboard",
    font: {
      family: "Poppins",
    theme: {
      colors: {
        primary: "#004170",
        secondary: "#00417044",
        surface: "#f0f0f0f0",
    footerText: "lorem ipsum",
  template: {
    loading: {
      id: Symbol(),
      type: "web-component",
      widget: {
        link: "",
        tagName: "l-mirage",
        properties: {
          class: "align-self-center justify-self-center",
          size: "120",
          speed: "2.5",
          color: "#004170",
    background: {
      id: Symbol(),
      type: "internal",
      widget: {
        name: "EodashMap",
    widgets: [
        id: Symbol(),
        type: "internal",
        title: "itemfilter",
        layout: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 3, h: 12 },
        slidable: true,
        widget: {
          name: "EodashItemFilter",
        id: Symbol(),
        type: "internal",
        title: "datepicker",
        layout: { x: 5, y: 11, w: 2, h: 1 },
        slidable: false,
        widget: {
          name: "EodashDatePicker",
          properties: {
            inline: true,
        id: Symbol(),
        title: "Information",
        layout: { x: 9, y: 0, w: 3, h: 12 },
        widget: {
          link: "",
          properties: {
            for: store.states.currentUrl,
            allowHtml: "true",
              "#properties li > .value {font-weight: normal !important;}",
            header: "[]",
            subheader: "[]",
            properties: '["description"]',
            featured: "[]",
            footer: "[]",
          tagName: "eox-stacinfo",
        type: "web-component",
  1. Add the runtime config URL path to the config attribute
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="@eodash/eodash/webcomponent.css" />

    <script type="module" src="@eodash/eodash/webcomponent"></script>
    <eo-dash config="/config.js"></eo-dash>

Including Stories and Pages

Checkout our eodash-pages-template that uses eodash web component with Vitepress and EOxStorytelling for including pages and stories.

Command line interface:

Eodash offers a CLI for a seamless development experience. Check out the CLI guide for more information.

  "scripts": {
    "dev": "eodash dev",
    "build": "eodash build",
    "preview": "eodash preview"


Don’t hesitate to ask any questions on our GitHub discussion forum or contribute to our project by creating a pull request.