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Instantiating Eodash

Eodash client is configured through two primary methods. Check out the API and the guide below:

Compile-time (Build-time) Configuration

To configure your instance, the default and recommended method is to use Compile Time Configuration. In this method, eodash utilizes the exported createEodash function from the entry point of your project src/main.js to define your custom dashboard. When your instance is being built, this configuration is processed by Vite and bundled into the minified output.


// src/main.js

import { createEodash } from "@eodash/eodash";
import tools from "./tools";
import basedOnWms from "./basedOnWms";
import container from "./container";

export default createEodash({
  id: "id",
  brand: {
    name: "Dashboard",
    font: {
      family: "Poppins",
    theme: {
      colors: {
        primary: "#880808",
        secondary: "#AA4A44",
        background: "#d3d3d3",
        surface: "#d3d3d3",
  template: {
    gap: 6,
    background: {
      id: Symbol(),
      type: "internal",
      widget: {
        name: "EodashMap",
    loading: {
      id: Symbol(),
      type: "web-component",
      widget: {
        link: "",
        tagName: "l-mirage",
        properties: {
          class: "align-self-center justify-self-center",
          size: "120",
          speed: "2.5",
          color: "#004170",
    widgets: [
        id: Symbol(),
        layout: { x: 10, y: 0, h: 2, w: 2 },
        title: "Date Picker",
        type: "internal",
        widget: {
          name: "EodashDatePicker",
          properties: {
            inline: true,
        type: "web-component",
        id: Symbol(),
        slidable: true,
        layout: { x: 4, y: 0, h: 1, w: 3 },
        title: "Iframe",
        widget: {
          link: new URL("./elements/current-date.js", import.meta.url).href,
          tagName: "current-date",

Runtime Configuration

This provides a way to modify Eodash settings after it has been built, which is optional but allows for greater flexibility. In development, you'll typically create a file named src/runtime.js and export an Eodash<"runtime"> object as a default. The runtime config file is moved to .eodash/dist/config.js in production. However, it is important to note that runtime configuration has certain limitations compared to compile-time configuration. It doesn't support packages and file imports nor refrencing user-defined internal wigets, and is shipped to the browser without being processed, hence the name runtime. A runtime configuration can also be set to <eo-dash/> web component using the config attribute, check out this example to learn more.


// .eodash/dist/config.js

export default {
  id: "id",
  stacEndpoint: "",
  brand: {
    name: "runtime config",
    font: { family: "Montserrat" },
    theme: {
      colors: {
        primary: "#5E503F",
        surface: "#f2f4f3",
        secondary: "#A9927D",
  template: {
    background: {
      id: Symbol(),
      type: "internal",
      widget: {
        name: "EodashMap",
    widgets: [
        type: "internal",
        title: "Container",
        id: Symbol(),
        layout: { x: 0, y: 0, w: 3, h: 12 },
        widget: {
          name: "WidgetsContainer",
          properties: {
            widgets: [
                title: "Tools",
                id: Symbol(),
                type: "internal",
                widget: {
                  name: "EodashItemFilter",
        layout: { x: 4, y: 0, w: 4, h: 4 },
        title: "Date Picker",
        id: Symbol(),
        type: "internal",
        widget: {
          name: "EodashDatePicker",
          properties: {
            inline: true,


  • Runtime configuration settings will take precedence over compile time settings.
  • Both Runtime and Compiletime configurations define the dashboard during load and reload, allowing the definition of different configurations based on conditions like routes.
  • Runtime configuration file can be set using the --runtime <path> CLI flag or by setting the path to the runtime property in eodash.config.js
  • Buildtime configuration file can be set using the --entryPoint <path> CLI flag or by setting the path to the entryPoint property in eodash.config.js