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@eodash/eodash / client/types / WebComponentProps

Interface: WebComponentProps<T>

Defined in: client/types.ts:2

Type Parameters

T extends ExecutionTime = "compiletime"



optional constructorProp: string

Defined in: client/types.ts:22

Exported Constructor, needs to be provided if the web component is not registered in by the link provided

link: T extends "runtime" ? string : string | () => Promise<unknown>

Defined in: client/types.ts:17

Imports web component file, either using a URL or an import function.


importing eox-itemfilter web component, after installing @eox/itemfilter it can be referenced:

link: async() => import("@eox/itemfilter")


import maps are not available in runtime config


optional onMounted: (el, store) => void | Promise<void>

Defined in: client/types.ts:33

Triggered when the web component is mounted in the DOM.



Web component

null | Element


Store<"stac", Pick<{ loadSelectedCompareSTAC: (relativePath) => Promise<void>; loadSelectedSTAC: (relativePath) => Promise<void>; loadSTAC: (url?) => Promise<void>; resetSelectedCompareSTAC: () => Promise<void>; selectedCompareStac: Ref<null | StacCatalog | StacCollection | StacItem, null | StacCatalog | StacCollection | StacItem>; selectedStac: Ref<null | StacCatalog | StacCollection | StacItem, null | StacCatalog | StacCollection | StacItem>; stac: Ref<null | StacLink[], null | StacLink[]>; }, "stac" | "selectedStac" | "selectedCompareStac">, Pick<{ loadSelectedCompareSTAC: (relativePath) => Promise<void>; loadSelectedSTAC: (relativePath) => Promise<void>; loadSTAC: (url?) => Promise<void>; resetSelectedCompareSTAC: () => Promise<void>; selectedCompareStac: Ref<null | StacCatalog | StacCollection | StacItem, null | StacCatalog | StacCollection | StacItem>; selectedStac: Ref<null | StacCatalog | StacCollection | StacItem, null | StacCatalog | StacCollection | StacItem>; stac: Ref<null | StacLink[], null | StacLink[]>; }, never>, Pick<{ loadSelectedCompareSTAC: (relativePath) => Promise<void>; loadSelectedSTAC: (relativePath) => Promise<void>; loadSTAC: (url?) => Promise<void>; resetSelectedCompareSTAC: () => Promise<void>; selectedCompareStac: Ref<null | StacCatalog | StacCollection | StacItem, null | StacCatalog | StacCollection | StacItem>; selectedStac: Ref<null | StacCatalog | StacCollection | StacItem, null | StacCatalog | StacCollection | StacItem>; stac: Ref<null | StacLink[], null | StacLink[]>; }, "loadSTAC" | "loadSelectedSTAC" | "loadSelectedCompareSTAC" | "resetSelectedCompareSTAC">>

Return value of the core STAC pinia store in /core/client/store/stac.ts


void | Promise<void>


optional onUnmounted: (el, store) => void | Promise<void>

Defined in: client/types.ts:44

Triggered when the web component is unmounted from the DOM.



Web component

null | Element


Store<"stac", Pick<{ loadSelectedCompareSTAC: (relativePath) => Promise<void>; loadSelectedSTAC: (relativePath) => Promise<void>; loadSTAC: (url?) => Promise<void>; resetSelectedCompareSTAC: () => Promise<void>; selectedCompareStac: Ref<null | StacCatalog | StacCollection | StacItem, null | StacCatalog | StacCollection | StacItem>; selectedStac: Ref<null | StacCatalog | StacCollection | StacItem, null | StacCatalog | StacCollection | StacItem>; stac: Ref<null | StacLink[], null | StacLink[]>; }, "stac" | "selectedStac" | "selectedCompareStac">, Pick<{ loadSelectedCompareSTAC: (relativePath) => Promise<void>; loadSelectedSTAC: (relativePath) => Promise<void>; loadSTAC: (url?) => Promise<void>; resetSelectedCompareSTAC: () => Promise<void>; selectedCompareStac: Ref<null | StacCatalog | StacCollection | StacItem, null | StacCatalog | StacCollection | StacItem>; selectedStac: Ref<null | StacCatalog | StacCollection | StacItem, null | StacCatalog | StacCollection | StacItem>; stac: Ref<null | StacLink[], null | StacLink[]>; }, never>, Pick<{ loadSelectedCompareSTAC: (relativePath) => Promise<void>; loadSelectedSTAC: (relativePath) => Promise<void>; loadSTAC: (url?) => Promise<void>; resetSelectedCompareSTAC: () => Promise<void>; selectedCompareStac: Ref<null | StacCatalog | StacCollection | StacItem, null | StacCatalog | StacCollection | StacItem>; selectedStac: Ref<null | StacCatalog | StacCollection | StacItem, null | StacCatalog | StacCollection | StacItem>; stac: Ref<null | StacLink[], null | StacLink[]>; }, "loadSTAC" | "loadSelectedSTAC" | "loadSelectedCompareSTAC" | "resetSelectedCompareSTAC">>

Return value of the core STAC pinia store in /core/client/store/stac.ts


void | Promise<void>


optional properties: Record<string, unknown>

Defined in: client/types.ts:25

Object defining all the properties and attributes of the web component


tagName: `${string}-${string}`

Defined in: client/types.ts:23